The World Is At War

The World Is At War

Author: Pastor Kenji
October 26, 2022

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. (Colossians 3:15)

The world is at war.  Internationally, missiles are used to kill children and threaten whole populations.  Nationally, battle lines have been drawn on every imaginable issue and we are all of us bitterly divided. At church, honest disagreements often become target practice.  Sometimes church people leave their wounded brothers and sisters behind-abandoning them in search of a conclave that will echo their opinions rather than challenge them.  Our children are being trained to socially lynch and murder any nonconformist deemed worthy of rejection.  In our homes, marriages are bleeding to death and parenting has become a sprint through a minefield.

The world is at war and yet we are a people called to peace.

But how do we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts?  Here are some suggestions for you to try:

Set your heart on things above-not on earthly things.  Don’t let the world steal your passions.  For many people, the world tells them what to think about and worry about and gnaw on.  The news cycle should not determine what you think about.  Everyday, you ought to intentionally set your heart on the realities of God.  God has a plan.  Jesus is making all things new (including you).  Things are not as they appear.  Satan does not win.  You will on day appear with Christ in glory.  Because we are Christians, our realism needs to be biblical.  This means our realism should be a godly optimism.  We don’t live without hope like the pagans who don’t know Christ.  Set your heart on Christ and live with hope.  God is winning.
Put your flesh to death.  Rid yourself of anger, bitterness, rage, malice, and slander.  These emotions feel empowering but this is a lie.  All they have the power to do is raise your blood pressure.  Anger rarely translates to helpful action.  Anger is being emotionally upset because something is wrong with the world.  Bitterness is when anger becomes a permanent personality trait.  Rage is when anger explodes and you lose self-control.  Malice is when you want bad things to happen to anyone.  Slander is when you say mean and untrue (often oversimplified) things about others.  These are all animalistic emotions we share with apes and hyenas.  Put your flesh to death.  Instead of anger, be gentle and forgiving.
Learn to let things go.  Patience is a virtue.  Much of our internal war is caused by wanting to rush God’s work.  Instead, be patient in letting God’s plan unfold.  Do not question his rhythm.  Instead of desiring to punish and castigate others, be compassionate and humble and gentle.  Love others and want the best for them.  Remember that not everyone who disagrees with you is evil.  Put down your spiritual guns and stop shooting everybody.  Be a nurse instead of a sniper.
Live responsibly.  Whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.  Don’t live out of step with the Spirit.  Instead of spending your days accidentally, ask God how you should spend them.  Do the right things at the right time.  Make Jesus look good.  Be at peace with God and with others.  Live the life God has called you to live.

How much war is in your life?  Instead of living in tumult, choose peace.  Focus on Jesus, do what you’re supposed to do, don’t give in to anger, and trust the rest to God.  If you fill your life with peace, then it may even spill on others and spread.

Lord, help Timberview to be one body-undivided.  Help us as Christians to answer the call to peace as we let Christ rule in our hearts.  Amen.

Sundays at 9am & 10:45AM

15511 N. HOWE ROAD | MEAD, WA 99021
(509) 468-4363

