Quality friendships change lives. At Timberview, we have several friend groups that provide space for people to meet and connect. Friend groups hang out, eat food, read the Bible, and pray for each other. The importance of spiritual friendships cannot be overstated.
Current GroupsAddiction Recovery Group Women's Group Monday EveningsAdults/Couples Group Monday NightMen's Tuesday Mornings at the churchYoung Adults 18-24 Tuesday NightMen's Group Wednesday Night Thursday Night Couples Group
We also have friend groups based around common interests, we have a motorcycle group, a ladies paint group, a BJJ group and others.
If you would like to join a group please PastorKenji@Timberview.church or call thechurch office (509) 468-4363.
Sundays at 8:30am & 10:15AM
15511 N. HOWE ROAD | MEAD, WA 99021(509) 468-4363