New Year New You

New Year New You

Author: Pastor Kenji
December 29, 2021

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life has gone; the new life has begun!" -2 Corinthians 5:17

People fail at resolutions every new year.  After several years pass, it can be hard to stay excited about making resolutions when they face plant every year anyway.  It's also harder to maintain faith that we can change after a few decades.  Many of us come to accept the we are who we are and ain't nothing changing that.

But the Bible encourages us to keep the faith.  In this verse, the Bible teaches us that in Christ we are a new person.  We are a new creation.  We're not simply a slightly modified version of who we were before we met Jesus; our lives ought to be so radically changed that the only proper way to describe this metamorphosis is as a new creation.  As if God Himself again picked up dirt and made it human.

We all know in our gut that we're not yet what we are meant to be.  There is more work to be done.  Never stop pursuing God's most for your life.  Never stop expecting miracles.  This can be your year not only of change-but of rebirth.

Lord, I pray for whoever is reading this, that they would renew their hope in your determination and ability to make all things new.  I pray they would renew their quest to become like Jesus, to become holy and loving, to repent of sin, to let go of resentments and hatreds, to discern your will for them, and to find in this year unsurpassed proof of your grace and good plans for living.  Amen.


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(509) 468-4363

