God's Sticky Note

God's Sticky Note

Author: Barbara Olson
April 26, 2022

We all use sticky notes.  We use them as reminder of things which need to be done, to make grocery and to do lists.  We use them to give others information.  Maybe we just leave a note to say, “I love you.”   
God does not use them to remind Himself of things.  However I’m certain He uses them to remind us not of what we need to do, but of what He does for us.  If we slow down just a little bit and pay attention to what we see and hear, we will discover God’s sticky notes.  Each of God’s notes tells us, in its own way, “I love you.” 
How many times have you been troubled by something, and the “perfect” song comes on the radio to calm you or to encourage you? That’s God note to say, “I hear you, I see you, I am with you.” 
Your windows are open and in the middle of the night a cool breeze comes across your face.  I view that as a sticky note from God…a note that says, “Here’s a little kiss from me.  Sleep well.  Rest in my love.” 
The tall evergreens are God’s note that He is steadfast and strong, ever faithful, and that He will never leave us or forsake us. 
The snow which blankets the ground and covers everything, good and bad, is God’s reminder that Jesus died to cover our sins, making us blameless…in effect, turning us from bad to good. 
Those birds that so often wake us up in the morning with their singing are God’s way of welcoming us to a new day and reminding us that new mercies abound for us. 
The glorious show of color in the fall leaves is God’s reminder note that even as we age, we have value and can still bring glory to Him.  He does not forget about us, and no matter our age or our next phase in life, we are still His children. 
The changing of the seasons, in the same order every year, is a reminder of God’s consistency.  With that consistency comes hope.  We know that in the dead of winter (or in the depths of our despair), spring (and growth) will come. 
The sunshine…God’s note that the Son shines bright for us, intervening on our behalf with the Father. 
That warm shower we take in the morning…God’s note that His love will wash over us and renew us. 
The rain that falls is God’s note to remind us that He holds our every tear and a renewal is ahead. 
The lightning and thunder…those are reminders that God’s power is our power, given to us through the Holy Spirit.   
As our rivers flow past us, we are reminded of God’s love which flows freely for us, just as Christ’s blood flowed for our salvation. 
Where do you see God's sticky notes?  What is He telling you?

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